Rob dressed as a plumber

Support Page

Our website is very simple, but things can still go wrong sometimes. If you experience any problems using our website, please make sure that...

  1. You have a modern, updated web browser such as Safari or Chrome
  2. Javascript is enabled
  3. Cookies are enabled

If you are not able to resolve an issue by reading through this page, please contact us at:

Sign-Up Problems

In rare occasions, the Stripe payment system does not work as expected. The transaction may fail without giving you any error message. It may also appear to succeed, but then not take you to the welcome screen or log you in. If this happens, please re-start your computer and try again. If the same thing occurs, then please contact us and we will do our best to resolve the issue.

If you have used Stripe in the past and selected the option to save your payment information, the payment popup window will give you the option to enter a code that Stripe sends to your phone so you don't have to re-enter your card information. If you would prefer to enter your card details manually, you can click the link at the bottom of the popup.

Login Problems

Forgotten password
If you have forgotten your password, you can use our automated reset feature to choose a new one. Simply enter the email address associated with your account and a password reset link will be sent to that address with instructions on reseting your password.

Forgotten email address
It’s common for people to have multiple email addresses and you may not remember which you used to sign up with. Try searching your various in-boxes for the math Antics receipt you received. If you still cannot determine which email address you used, contact us with a list of addresses that you think it could be and we will do our best to help.

Video Playback Problems

Before contacting us about video playback problems, please try restarting your computer to make sure something hasn’t malfunctioned on your local device.

See Video Troubleshooting Steps Here.

Problems Viewing or Printing PDFs

All of our printable Exercise and Worksheets pages are standard PDF files that are compatible with Adobe Reader 5 or later. Please make sure your browser can view and print PDFs. It may be necessary to get the latest version of Adobe Reader from (It’s a free download.)

We have verified that our PDF files are printable. If you are having difficulty printing, there could be a variety of causes that are outside of our control. Here is a brief list of the things we would suggest doing if you are having trouble printing:

  1. Restart both your computer and printer
  2. Make sure your printer is not out of ink/toner or paper
  3. Make sure your printer drivers are up to date
  4. Try printing from a different computer (if available) to see if the computer is the problem
  5. Try printing to a different printer (if available) to see if the printer is the problem
  6. Download the PDFs and Print them directly from Adobe Reader or Adobe Acrobat*
  7. Consult with a computer/printer tech support person in your community

*Adobe also has some troubleshooting tips on this page: